Solomon Brothers Fine Jewelry is a family owned jewelry store that has spanned generations with a great story to tell. After leaving Cape Town, South Africa the brothers chose Atlanta to be the base of their jewelry business. Solomon Brothers has since become a leader in the industry over the past 30 years and partnering with Atlanta Eats helped share that story with a large, passionate audience. Atlanta Eats has created and executed a fully integrated marketing plan for Solomon Brothers to enhance brand positioning and ultimately drive new clients to the store.


Atlanta Eats sought to accomplish the following Solomon Brothers marketing/business objectives:

  • Reinforce the Solomon Brothers brand through integrations within the programming of Atlanta Eats, to increase sales and promote the high quality of service 

  • Create high quality, engaging video content assets for Solomon Brothers to re-purpose across their owned media platforms
  • Tell the Solomon Brothers story through a sponsored episode that would introduce new potential clients to the store and remind past clients of Solomon Brothers vast selection, high quality jewelry and the events in life that call for diamonds

OVERVIEW:  Atlanta Eats shot and produced a sponsored episode for Solomon Brothers to be aired on Peachtree TV. Two short-form (:30 second) pieces were also shot and produced, highlighting the events in one’s life to celebrate and the special places in Atlanta to do so. With a special something from Solomon Brothers to commemorate the occasion. 


  • Full hour show filmed during happy hour event April 2018 and to air 6x in Atlanta Eats on Peachtree TV, 7pm Saturdays and 10:30am Sundays

  • 2x Short – Form “Dinners & Diamonds” videos created by Solomon Brothers to be on Social Media Channels and online promotions

  • Content licensed to Solomon Brothers for use on owned media platforms (website, social platforms, email, etc)



Solomon Brothers & Atlanta Eats partnered to promote sales generating events this Summer & Fall, perfect for viewing on social platforms as well as the great selection and services available at Solomon Brothers. Our integrated social campaign was designed to organically drive social engagement, awareness and increase social following. 


  • 13x organic social posts on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram to large loyal Atlanta Eats audience highlighting promotions, hosted events in Atlanta & the airings of segment on Atlanta Eats 
  • 2x Facebook Lives, 1 at Happy Hour filming event, 2nd one to happen during ‘Girls Night Out’ on October 30th. 
  • Paid Facebook campaign as added value! 2x posts using loyal partners of Atlanta Eats to promote “Girls Night Out’ campaign reaching a new audience and increasing social following of Solomon Brothers social channels. Paid results below;
  • Increased Solomon Brothers Instagram followers by 77
  • Increased Solomon Brothers Facebook Followers by 105
  • Increased Facebook Likes by 107



Solomon Brothers & Atlanta Eats initial partnership has been a success. With a total of  407,303 impressions, Atlanta Eats can be a vital asset in Solomon Brothers marketing mix to promote events & sales this Fall, Winter & into the New Year! 


  • Atlanta Eats will curate a holiday event to remember for Solomon Brothers fans to sip, taste, browse and shop. The event will be hosted by Steak Shapiro and Titania Jordan and will target both male and female shoppers.
  • Atlanta Eats will showcase the event with a Facebook Live as well as Instagram Stories the night of.
  • We’ll have a green screen on-site where we can poll guests with questions such as: who do you have the toughest time buying for over the holidays and what did you find for them at Solomon Brothers? Where is your favorite restaurant to take family coming to town for the holidays? This content will later be edited into shorter videos to push out on social.
  • Discounts to all shoppers as well as grand prize giveaway to promote attendance and night of shopping
  • Atlanta Eats will create a paid social program that runs on Instagram and Facebook throughout November and leading into the December holiday event. There will be 2 sets of messaging/targets:
    • One that targets men and talks about “finding her the perfect gift” this holiday season
    • One that targets women and talks about “finding him the perfect gift” this holiday season
  • These sponsored posts will not only create top of mind awareness for Solomon Brothers leading into the gifting season but sponsored posts could include messaging to motivate shoppers. Example copy could include either of the following:
    • “Follow Solomon Brothers on FB / IG and show this post for a 20% discount when you do your holiday shopping at Solomon Brothers”
    • ”RSVP for the Atlanta Eats Solomon Brothers party where we’ll have 30-40% discounts on select items and big giveaways!”
    • Minimum of 200,000 paid / targeted impressions on FB/ IG