Steak Shapiro lands second career with Atlanta Eats
Atlanta Journal Constitution – July 2016
For years, listeners of Stephen “Steak” Shapiro on the radio would complain that he cared more about what he ate at the Palm the night before than what happened to the Atlanta Braves.
But he’s been able to take his passion for the Atlanta foodie scene and parlay it into a viable business calledAtlanta Eats.
Initially, in 2012, he created a slick 30-minute “Atlanta Eats” TV show showcasing three local restaurants. Shapiro himself frequently hosted most of the segments. The show aired on Peachtree TV and CBS46 on weekend mornings.
Since then, he’s added a radio show hosted by Mara Davis, built an online video library featuring hundreds of Atlanta eateries, hosted an annual food festival and developed a separate Bread n Butter Production company, which creates food-related lifestyle videos for clients such as Piedmont Healthcare and Toyota. – June 2016
Food is inherently nostalgic. We all have memories of dishes that our family cooked or that we ordered at our favorite restaurants growing up, and we are constantly creating new food memories. These memories can be activated by sight or smell, and of course, taste. A slice of our favorite pizza or a meal at a hot new restaurant can cause a euphoric reaction in people, similar to what one feels when watching sports, listening to music or seeing a great film or Broadway production. They all evoke passion.

Tastemade rivals BuzzFeed for mobile food video views – May 2016
The three partners who dreamed up Tastemade cooked up one winning meal for Millennials — food shows for mobile viewing. “There’s a whole new generation of young people,” who were just as interested in food as their parents when they watched it on TV, says Joe Perez. He founded Tastemade in 2012 with partners Steven Kydd and Larry Fitzgibbon. “They wanted to see it with people of their age, as opposed to having older stars doing it.”
3 Marketing Lessons From The Viral Food Video Craze – April 2016
Food has the incredible power of capturing people’s attention, and brands are learning from this trend in order to create viral experiences that has people talking day after day.
It started out as the occasional BuzzFeed Food video, which showed a pair of hands making something delicious.
Then, a few more companies learned the viral impact of these videos, and before you knew it, there were more food videos on Facebook than cat videos, and that’s something worth examining. This trend predominated the second half of 2015, and that popularity carried on into the New Year.
From a business standpoint, this trend is incredibly poignant. The majority of these videos have tens of thousands of likes and thousands of shares, carrying them swiftly across the internet. They have become some of the most successful content tools for prompting consumers to stop their scroll and engage, maybe glancing at the name of the video’s author while they were at it.
Restaurant Sales Surpass Grocery Sales for First Time – May 2015
Monthly sales at restaurants exceeded grocery stores sales for the first time on record, the National Restaurant Association noted. In his latest Economist’s Notebook commentary, the National Restaurant Association’s Chief Economist Bruce Grindy breaks down industry sales trends: For the first time on record in December, monthly sales at restaurants exceeded grocery stores sales, according to data from the U.S. Census Bureau. This development was hinted at through preliminary data releases in recent months, but was officially confirmed by today’s annual benchmark of Census data.
Why 2016 Will Be the Year of Video Marketing – April 2016
January has come and gone, and February slipped out the door right behind it. Now it’s March, and you’re probably working hard to implement all those new campaigns and initiatives you developed in December. But did you set the right goals? And are you using the right tools to achieve those goals? The fact of the matter is, if you didn’t include a video marketing strategy as part of your broader content marketing plan, you’re missing out. Video isn’t just a nice afterthought. It’s a chance to take your marketing strategy into the stratosphere.